FL grout cleaning grout sealing lakewood ranch north port sarasota tile floor cleaning venice


Many companies will help you to improve aging tile in your home or property. But they do it in different ways.

Here’s what we mean – a company can come in and scrub down the tile floor as part of a general cleaning contract, and leave, and the tile still looks awful.

Let’s take this scenario – even if the tile is fairly new and doesn’t have cracked or broken areas, the grout in between the tile just has gotten dingy and off-color over time. Small stains make the tile look bad.

Now, the key here is that a fully thorough tile cleaning and sealing service will help tile look like new for quite a long time.

Cleaning the Grout

At Grout Brothers, when we come in to thoroughly fix a client’s grout problems, we manually scrub the grout with specialized brush equipment and let special chemicals soak in for a certain amount of time, in a process that we’ve researched and developed to be effective on aged tile.

This takes out a lot of the loose dirt, but that’s only the first part of the process. We use steam cleaning and pressurized water to get contaminants off of the grout and promote better, consistently clean-looking surfaces. Think of it as taking a mini pressure washer to your tile, albeit with the right pressure limitations and calibrating to clean without damaging tile areas.

Sealing the Grout

We have various options available to customers for sealing their grout – but one of them is extremely effective in many cases of worn or tired-looking grout. It’s called color sealing.

Here’s the idea in a nutshell – by using a color sealer, you override the color fluctuations in the grout to make it look consistent. If you have stained areas that are going to be white and off-white regardless of how much scrubbing and cleaning gets done, the color sealing puts an overlay of a specific shade on all of the grout, and that consistency makes it look brand-new for years afterward.

You can see what we mean on our website, or ask us questions about specific tile cleaning processes. The bottom line is that you’re going to get those long-term effective solutions for making areas look spotless that regular tile cleaning companies simply can’t achieve, because they haven’t invested in the tools and equipment. That’s why owners of so many high-end properties in the Sarasota FL area call us when they need longer-term tile and grout cleaning, not just the usual everyday stuff. When you get effective cleaning and sealing, you get a lot more out of all of the money that you spent installing and designing tile floors in the first place.

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